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I dreamed of travelling twice yearly to different parts of the world, but it always seemed out of reach. That was until I found myself at the Forbes Summit in Botswana, surrounded by billionaires from all over the globe. And I didn’t have a plan, an itinerary, or even a clue what to expect.

As I sat among some of the most successful people on the planet, listening to their stories and experiences, I realized anything was possible. The summit’s highlight was hearing from Kayvon and Kai, who spoke candidly about growing up in the hood and how they made it to the NFL and NBA. Their words struck a chord with me, and I couldn’t help but feel inspired by their journey.

When the Q&A session began, I took a deep breath and raised my hand. I wanted to know how to break through the ceiling block preventing me from reaching the next level. Despite the sweat and the nervousness, I stood up and asked my question, hoping that someone in the room could help me.

The Journey from the Hood to the Forbes Summit: A Story of Sweat, Inspiration, and Triumph
Lessons from the Billionaires: How I Broke Through the Ceiling Block and Found Success
Dreaming Big and Taking Action: My Journey to the Forbes Summit and Beyond.

And then, Kayvon spoke. He shared a powerful story about stopping going to a comedy club once he realized he was the wealthiest guy there. Instead, he sought out more intelligent and prosperous people than him to learn from them and grow. His words hit me like a ton of bricks.

That was just the beginning. I met the youngest billionaire in Africa and had an elevator pitch that motivated me to take my company to the next level. I sought out opportunities to learn from successful people and grow my business. My journey was not easy, but it was worth it.

Now, I am on a path to success, inspired and excited by the lessons I have learned. My journey is a testament to the power of determination and hard work. I dared to dream, took action, and learned from the best. I can’t wait to see where my journey takes me next.

Author Bex Morgan Kunene

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